Safety on Exiting the School
- As exiting the school is a very busy time, and safety is our priority, we ask people who are collecting children not to enter the school grounds with dogs.
- At home time, we must ensure that the children can exit the school safely. Please support us by keeping the yellow markings on the exit path clear at home time. We encourage children to cycle to school during the good weather. Please remind cyclists to walk across the road with the lollipop lady, and mount the bike when safely on the other side.
Road Safety
- Please remember the importance of safe parking when dropping and collecting your children from school each day. Particular care should be taken on wet days. We ask all parents to take note of the traffic restrictions around the school. The Zig Zag lines that are directly outside the school gates are there to provide a clear space for the children to cross where they can see traffic and traffic can see them,
- The law states that you cannot STOP, WAIT or DROP OFF passengers on these Zig Zag lines.
child protection
- For Child Protection reasons, parents are not permitted beyond the office unless accompanied by a member of staff. Please check in at the office, and any messages for your child will be passed on. Do not accompany late children to the classroom. If necessary, a member of staff will do so.
- We ask parents whose children have medication in the school to contact the new class teacher to ensure that he/she is familiar with your child’s condition and the instructions for administering the medicine in an emergency.
- In line with our Health and Safety Policy, parents must liaise with the class teacher if their child needs to take any form of medication during school hours.
- For hygiene reasons, towels are not provided in the children’s bathrooms. We remind parents to provide each child with a small hand towel (a face cloth should suffice). This should be kept in the child’s school bag in a small plastic bag or wash bag and should not be shared with anyone else. Please ensure that the towel is changed and washed regularly
Punctuality and absenteeism
- It is important that all children are in school on time. Children should assemble in the yard shortly before 9.00am. Supervision is provided in the yard each morning from 8.50am.
- If your child is late for school, he/she should not go to the yard but should enter the school at the main door. We will inform you if your child is regularly late for school. Punctuality is an admirable trait that will stand to your child throughout his/her life and we would really appreciate your support in promoting it.
- Please CLICK HERE for more information on absenteeism.
- Children should wear school tracksuit on designated PE days only. Full school uniform should be worn on all other days.
- If your child is absent from school, it is not necessary to telephone the school. A short note in your child’s homework journal on his/her return will suffice.
- If your child contracts a contagious illness or any condition that is likely to affect others, please inform the school.
Healthy Eating
- We ask all parents to ensure that their children are adhering to the school's Healthy Eating Policy. For more information click here for our Healthy Eating Policy.
- Please note that nuts or foods containing nut traces are not permitted in school.
Internet Use at Home
- Following a number of recent incidents, we strongly urge parents to monitor closely their children’s use of internet and social media sites. It is essential that parents set clear guidelines for their children in the use of the internet and they should discuss regularly the inappropriateness of posting hurtful and upsetting messages. Parental co-operation and guidance is essential in this area. For further information check out and
- It is imperative that parents restrict their children to age appropriate material regarding Playstation, Computer Games and movies. It has come to our attention that children are watching and engaging with material that far exceeds their age group. Again parental vigilance in this area is absolutely essential.