Our 5th and 6th class students have been learning about French language and culture through the "Say Yes to Languages" programme. They enjoyed learning through many different curriculum areas- art, music, digital learning to name a few. Ms. Callaghan even hosted "Au Café" in the Big Hall. Thank you very much to Ms.Callaghan for bringing your passion for languages to our students. Bien joué!
say yes to languages
Our sixth class pupils took part in the new Primary Language Sampler called ‘Say Yes to Languages’ this term.
The sampler module is a means for raising awareness among pupils of the range of languages used by their peers, in their schools and community. Over 500 schools nationwide are taking part and offering modules in a range of modern foreign languages and Irish Sign Language. The module introduced the pupils to French and was taught over a 6-week period during the normal school timetable. |
Ms. Louise Callaghan was delighted to be involved in delivering the French module to sixth class.
In Scoil Mochua we appreciate the importance of languages as a life skill, an opportunity for the pupils to think in a different way and build opportunities for the future. With many languages being used by the pupils and staff at our school, this module really helped to build awareness and celebrate the diversity within the school and community.
The module was rolled out with the support of Languages Connect and PPLI (Post-Primary Languages Ireland), a unit of the Department of Education.
Languages Connect promotes the personal, social, professional and economic benefits of foreign language skills to principals, teachers, guidance counsellors, parents and students. Funded by the Department of Education and facilitated by Post Primary Languages Ireland, as a key objective of the Languages Connect – Ireland’s Strategy for Foreign Languages in Education 2017 – 2026.
We were very excited to welcome a representative from Languages Connect to our school when he visited one of our French classes. He was very impressed with the level of enthusiasm in the school. The sixth classes enjoyed learning a new language and gaining an appreciation and awareness of the languages around them.
In Scoil Mochua we appreciate the importance of languages as a life skill, an opportunity for the pupils to think in a different way and build opportunities for the future. With many languages being used by the pupils and staff at our school, this module really helped to build awareness and celebrate the diversity within the school and community.
The module was rolled out with the support of Languages Connect and PPLI (Post-Primary Languages Ireland), a unit of the Department of Education.
Languages Connect promotes the personal, social, professional and economic benefits of foreign language skills to principals, teachers, guidance counsellors, parents and students. Funded by the Department of Education and facilitated by Post Primary Languages Ireland, as a key objective of the Languages Connect – Ireland’s Strategy for Foreign Languages in Education 2017 – 2026.
We were very excited to welcome a representative from Languages Connect to our school when he visited one of our French classes. He was very impressed with the level of enthusiasm in the school. The sixth classes enjoyed learning a new language and gaining an appreciation and awareness of the languages around them.