We carried out a full review of our Child Protection policy and procedures, as well as a risk assessment, in line with Children First 2017 and Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary Schools 2017. Our new Child Safeguarding Statement replaces our old policy, and it was reviewed and ratified by the Board of Management on the 25th September 2023. It is available on the school website, in the school foyer and every staff member has a copy and is familiar with it.
We pride ourselves on welcoming you, the parents, into our school and we will continue to do so, but certain structures need to be put in place to ensure the safety and welfare of every child in the school. We would appreciate your support in establishing and maintaining these structures:
- All visitors to the school must check in at the office.
- If you are collecting a child, the office will phone the classroom. Please wait in the foyer and your child will meet you there.
- If you are bringing a child to school after 9:10am, please check in with the office and your child will go on his/her own to the classroom. The office will assist if necessary. Similarly, if you are collecting a child early for an appointment, please wait in the foyer and the office will send for your child.
- If you have an appointment to meet a teacher before school, please wait in the foyer, and the teacher will meet you there and bring you to the classroom.
- Please understand that if you do not have an appointment, it may not be possible to meet with the teacher as he/she may have another meeting or be preparing for class. Apart from exceptional circumstances, it will not be possible to meet a teacher during school hours, as to do so would interrupt the teaching and learning for all children in the class.
We continue to view you as partners in education, and will continue to meet with you to discuss your child’s progress and any issues or concerns you may have. We fully commit to working together to provide your child with the best possible educational experience. The above measures are simply to ensure that the children enjoy a safe learning environment.
Thank you for your support.
Thank you for your support.